Do people with poor hearing need to have their hearing checked regularly?

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  • Source:Bossa Hearing Aids
The human ear can hear and distinguish sounds of different properties and strengths emitted by various sound sources in nature. Sound is transmitted to the inner ear through the outer ear and middle ear, and then reaches the cerebral cortex through the central auditory pathway. The brain detects, distinguishes and understands the content of various sounds through comprehensive analysis of sound signals. This is called auditory function. If this system is damaged, it can cause hearing impairment and lead to deafness.

Do people with poor hearing need to have their hearing checked regularly?

People with hearing loss are recommended to retest their hearing once every six months. If there is a decline within a period of time, they should wear hearing aids in time to protect their remaining hearing. You should also pay attention to ear hygiene and avoid living or working in a noisy environment.

Through regular hearing examinations, the hearing status of the elderly can be discovered in time, the specific causes of hearing problems can be intervened, the hearing difficulties in the elderly can be prevented and alleviated, and some symptoms that have not yet appeared obvious can be discovered in time. Symptoms of systemic diseases such as central neuropathy.

From a medical point of view, the occurrence of hearing impairment can last for several years or more than ten years, from the first discovery of hearing problems to examination, diagnosis, rehabilitation, until it is found that it affects daily communication, hearing The degree of impairment has become more severe, and the optimal recovery time has ultimately been missed.

If you suffer from poor hearing for a long time without intervention, problems will arise in many aspects.

The first one is the impact on daily life. Due to the impact of hearing loss, it is often difficult to hear clearly, and the other party often needs to repeat what he says, which affects language communication and makes it impossible to participate in the conversation. This will also have an impact on family life.

The second issue is safety. For people with severe hearing impairment, they cannot hear the sound of car horns when crossing the road, which can easily cause danger. If you have poor hearing in one ear, you will not be able to identify the direction of the sound source of the car horn when crossing the road. Having no sense of direction will also cause danger.

The third psychological impact. Mainly manifested in changes in mood. Emotional reactions in people with hearing loss often include feelings of loneliness, frustration, irritability, even anger, and sometimes guilt. At the same time, you will also feel distressed, anxious, and even gradually close yourself off.

If left uninterrupted for a long time, it will have a great impact on the mind and body. People who are not good at listening will always be suspicious and unsure of themselves. ,self-abasement. They don't like to communicate with the outside world, and in severe cases, they may suffer from autism, Alzheimer's disease, etc. Therefore, once hearing loss is discovered, it is necessary to seek medical treatment promptly.