Is there any relationship between deafness and genetics?

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  • Source:Bossa Hearing Aids
According to relevant statistics, hereditary deafness accounts for 50% of all deafness patients, and most of them are sensorineural deafness that is difficult to treat. If it cannot be detected early, the effect of rehabilitation training for deaf children will often be seriously affected.

Is there any relationship between deafness and heredity?

Hereditary deafness means that genetic material from parents is passed on to offspring, causing hearing loss. When parents pass on genetic information to their children, they first divide their chromosomes into two equal groups, and then randomly combine the two groups and pass them on to the next generation. In this way, some characteristics of the parents are passed on to their children. Of course, some of these characteristics are beneficial to the next generation, and some are harmful to the next generation. Deafness is a trait that is harmful to children. What parents pass on to their offspring is the genetic material rather than the deafness itself.

The causative factors of deafness are very complex, mainly caused by the following reasons:

1. The use of ototoxic drugs< br />

In the past, medical conditions were relatively backward, and some ototoxic drugs were used. The most common ones were streptomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin, and other antibiotics, as well as quinine, chloroquine, etc. Antimalarial drugs. Nowadays, hospitals will basically eliminate the use of these drugs, and even if they are used, they will be very strict. Moreover, the ototoxic drugs mentioned here will only cause deafness at high doses. Therefore, hearing loss in newborns due to ototoxic drugs is now very rare.

2. Inner ear infection, noise, aging, trauma, autoimmune reaction, etc.

For example, for newborns: when the mother is 3 to 4 months pregnant and suffers from rubella, mumps, influenza and other diseases, Or prolonged labor during childbirth, dystocia, birth trauma, neonatal hypoxia, asphyxia, neonatal nuclear jaundice, sepsis, premature birth and low birth weight infants, etc. can cause deafness. There are more factors causing deafness in adults: such as presbycusis and deafness caused by systemic diseases. There are many systemic diseases that cause deafness, but the blood supply disorder of the inner ear caused by vascular diseases is the most common, such as high blood pressure, arterial disease, etc. Hardening etc.

3. Genetic factors

More than 60% of hearing-impaired people are caused by genetics. In other wordsHe said that the child's hearing loss was normal during the pregnancy and delivery. When he scratched his head and couldn't figure out the cause, the child's hearing loss was mostly caused by genetics.

How to prevent hereditary deafness: With the advancement of science and technology, human genetic genes are not as mysterious as before, and the causative genes of various hereditary diseases are not as mysterious as before. It has been discovered one after another, including hereditary deafness. The newly introduced gene chip detection system in our hospital can detect 86% of hereditary deafness. Through genetic testing, parents can know the chance of their children having hereditary deafness before pregnancy, and test the fetus during pregnancy to see if there is hereditary deafness; newborns with normal hearing can be screened as early as possible to find out whether they have hereditary deafness. For drug-induced deafness gene carriers or patients with large vestibular aqueduct syndrome, early prevention is required to prevent exposure to triggers to avoid or delay hearing loss; for newborns who are born with severe deafness or total deafness, the cause can be clarified. If it is determined to be genetically caused, Hearing aids or electronic cochlear devices can be provided as early as possible so that the children can be deaf but not mute and can communicate normally with others. The application of gene chip technology can truly prevent most hereditary deafness.