I can’t sleep due to tinnitus, what should I do?

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  • Views:247
  • Source:Bossa Hearing Aids
Have you ever suffered from insomnia? The feeling of tossing and turning in bed, trying to sleep but not being able to, can be said to be extremely frustrating. Research shows that sleep disorders, tinnitus and hearing impairment often occur together. In one study, 30% of people with tinnitus had both a sleep disorder and allergies.

What should I do if I can’t sleep due to tinnitus and affects my sleep?

Data show that the incidence of tinnitus in adults is 10%-15%. Tinnitus will greatly affect daily life. In the World Health Organization disability classification, sleep is one aspect of functional impairment caused by tinnitus.

We may all have tinnitus occasionally in our lives, but this mild, short-lived tinnitus symptom is often ignored. When the tinnitus develops into persistent tinnitus, it can cause negative consequences for the patient. Emotions, and negative emotions are closely related to sleep quality.

1. Choose sound masking that suits you
As long as you still have hearing, sound masking can be said to be the easiest way to implement to improve sleep. The method is simple: play background noise and keep the volume lower than the sound of your tinnitus to reduce your perception of tinnitus, ignore it and help you fall asleep. Of course, not every tinnitus sufferer can mask their tinnitus by playing background noise. However, even if it cannot be masked, this method can build a "wall of sound" by masking the sound, isolating silence and preventing you from being unable to sleep in a perceived quiet environment. Because, for many tinnitus sufferers, being in silence is a challenge. In addition, the background noise mentioned here does not have to be white noise, as long as it can relax you, such as ambient music, nature sounds, fan sounds, etc.

2. Fixed work and rest time
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Going to bed and getting up early at a fixed time every day. Habit. This method may not solve your insomnia problem quickly, but it is an important step in improving your sleep.

3. Relax physically and mentally before going to bed
Many people like to play with their mobile phones or watch TV before going to bed. In fact, these activities may make it more difficult toFall asleep. It is recommended to do some physical, mental or psychological relaxation activities before going to bed to promote sleep.
For example, relax your body, take a hot bath before going to bed, do some simple stretching or progressive muscle relaxation. Read a book (paper book) and listen to relaxing music before bed. Note that no matter which relaxing activity you choose, please keep it consistent. Slowly, your brain will associate pre-bed activities with sleep, forming a conditioned reflex, making you more likely to feel tired before going to bed and thus more likely to sleep. Fall asleep.

4. Turn off the screen and relax
Computers, TVs, and especially smartphones are saturated in our daily lives. Facing these screens for a long time means that we have been experiencing excessive mental stress. Stimulated, the brain is still running at high speed even when it’s time to sleep. Before going to bed, you might as well turn off the screen, take a hot bath to relax your body, and read a paper book to relax your mind to promote sleep.

5. Drink less or no coffee

For many tinnitus patients, caffeine may be a common tinnitus trigger. Even if caffeine does not trigger tinnitus, drinking coffee in the afternoon or evening can affect sleep quality because caffeine stimulates the nervous system. If your tinnitus is really bothering you, reducing or cutting out your caffeine intake may be a solution, at least eight hours before bed. After all, annoying tinnitus is what keeps your nervous system in a state of agitation, and caffeine often increases your stress and anxiety.

Because tinnitus can make people feel irritable and uneasy, I hope everyone will keep this in mind. In daily life, tinnitus patients should try to avoid or reduce noise levels. For tall objects, more vitamins should be added, which can effectively play a preventive role. A person's life is full of right and wrong, and he has gone through countless experiences. As a doctor, he can only have certain treatment methods for "temporary tinnitus and deafness". But if we really want to prevent tinnitus and deafness, we must have a broad and simple mind and be virtuous and kind. Let’s face life with a smile.