What are the harms of tinnitus to the body?

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  • Source:Bossa Hearing Aids
Tinnitus is a subjective sound experienced by the human ear in the absence of external sound or electrical stimulation. It is worth noting that tinnitus is an illusion that occurs in the auditory system. It is a symptom rather than a disease. Some people often feel some special sounds in their ears, such as buzzing, hissing or sharp whistles, but cannot find the corresponding sound source around them. This situation is called tinnitus. Tinnitus can make people upset and restless, and in severe cases can affect normal life and work.

What are the harms of tinnitus to the body?

1. Tinnitus can be temporary or persistent. Severe tinnitus can disturb a person's peace of mind and make them very nervous. If it is temporary tinnitus that comes and goes, it is usually a physiological phenomenon, so don’t be overly nervous and just let it go. If it is persistent tinnitus, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as deafness, dizziness, headache, etc., you should be more vigilant and seek medical advice as soon as possible.

2. Affects mood. Patients who have been in a tinnitus state for a long time are prone to relatively large mood swings. Moreover, the patient is irritable and easily agitated. Being in negative emotions for a long time will put patients in a state of high pressure and sub-health. Long-term severe tinnitus can cause emotional changes such as upset, worry, anxiety, anxiety, and depression. Some people would rather lose their hearing than have tinnitus that reaches unbearable levels. Some people even thought of committing suicide because they were told "it's not easy to cure" or "there's no good way" wherever they seek medical treatment.

3. Affects hearing. Very loud tinnitus can interfere with what is being heard. People often hear sounds but cannot distinguish what others are saying.

4. Affects sleep. Since tinnitus patients will always have an obvious buzzing sound in their ears, it will have a certain impact on the patient's sleep. Long-term lack of sleep will cause serious harm to the human body.

5. It affects family life, requiring long-term medical treatment and medication due to tinnitus, causing economic losses and even huge economic pressure. If it is not understood by family members, it will affect family harmony.

6. Affect study and work. Because I can't hear others, especially leaders and teachers, and I endure the great pain caused by tinnitus, but often cannot be understood by others, my work efficiency decreases and I gradually lose interest in work and study. Tinnitus patients’ hearing may be affected, which will greatly affect the patient's concentration and smooth communication with others. Therefore, patients cannot concentrate wholeheartedly when studying and working, which will greatly reduce the efficiency of patients' studying and working.

In short, tinnitus is generally not harmful to health, but it is annoying and disturbing. There are also certain difficulties in treatment at present. If you have symptoms of tinnitus, you should actively go to the hospital for corresponding examination and treatment to avoid delaying the diagnosis and treatment of some important diseases. If there is no special disease, there is no need to be nervous. You should stay in a happy mood and divert your attention. The tinnitus may be alleviated.