What should I do if I become deaf at a young age?

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  • Views:118
  • Source:Bossa Hearing Aids
"Being deaf at a young age" is really not a joke. According to data released by the World Health Organization this year, 432 million adults and 34 million children around the world are currently hearing-impaired. About 50% of young people aged 12 to 35 (equivalent to 1.1 billion) are often exposed to entertainment noise environments and are at risk of hearing damage.

What should I do if I become deaf at a young age?
In this case, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination first. If the hearing loss cannot be treated, it is recommended to intervene with hearing aids as soon as possible. Today's hearing aids are compact in appearance, and you can go to a professional fitting institution for examination and evaluation. Hearing aids can solve daily communication problems.

There are many causes of hearing loss, such as genetic factors, childbirth factors, infectious diseases, ear infections, taking ototoxic drugs, exposure to excessive noise and aging. Among them, hearing loss caused by recreational noise is preventable and controllable and should attract sufficient attention. He pointed out that many young people now wear headphones to listen to music, play games, and watch dramas in noisy places such as buses and subways when commuting. This behavior is equivalent to self-mutilation and may cause permanent hearing damage.

Generally speaking, when the sound continues to be higher than 85 decibels, it will cause hearing fatigue. In noisy environments such as subways and buses, the sound is about 80 decibels. In order to hear the music clearly when wearing headphones, people will naturally adjust the volume to be higher than the ambient noise, and they are not aware of the stimulation of high volume. High-pitched sounds constantly impact the fluid in the cochlea, and the hair cells in the inner ear will die due to over-stimulation. Over time, hearing will be damaged.

These methods teach you how to protect your ears!

1. Turn down the music volume. Wearing headphones and listening to loud music for a long time has been proven to be a major cause of hearing loss in young people. The "60-60" principle refers to an internationally recognized method of protecting hearing, that is: when using headphones, the volume should generally not exceed 60% of the maximum volume, and it is best to adjust it to a lower level; the time of continuous use of headphones should not exceed 60 minutes. Adults should not wear headphones for more than 3 to 4 hours a day, and minors should not wear headphones for more than 2 hours a day. The ears should be fully rested after wearing headphones for 30 to 40 minutes each time.

2. Do not listen to music in a noisy environment.
  When you find that you can’t hear clearly even when the volume is turned up to 60% in a noisy environment, it’s time to take off your headphones. Continuing to listen will only damage your ears.

3. Install sound insulation and sound-absorbing facilities (such as soundproof windows) to eliminate or reduce noise in daily life.

4. Supplement zinc in your diet. Zinc deficiency is an important cause of presbycusis. You can usually eat more zinc-rich foods such as fish, beef, pork liver, and chicken. In addition, a lack of magnesium can easily lead to hearing loss. You may wish to eat more kelp, seaweed, sesame, etc.

5. Get massage regularly. Local massage can increase blood circulation and also preserve hearing. When massaging, Yifeng point (the depression behind the earlobe) and Tinghui point (the depression in front of the earlobe, symmetrical to the Yifeng point across the ear) can be performed once in the morning and evening, for 5 to 10 minutes each time.

6. Keep your ears warm. Cold environments increase the chance of ear infections because cold temperatures reduce blood circulation in the ears. Cold causes tension in the neck muscles, and sometimes continued tension in the muscles at the atlanto-axial joints can lead to tinnitus problems. Cold and wind can irritate the external auditory canal of the ear, often causing pain outside the ear. Water in the ears can easily cause inflammation in a cold environment. Frostbite occurs quickly in sub-zero temperatures.

There are many types of hearing protection equipment, such as earplugs, earmuffs, earmuffs, ear molds, etc. Choose a carry-on that works for you, especially if you know you're going to be somewhere noisy.