How to slow down the rate of hearing loss?

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  • Views:117
  • Source:Bossa Hearing Aids
In life, many people with hearing impairment often think that they are not unable to hear, but that they cannot hear clearly. In fact, inability to hear and hearing loss are both types of hearing loss, which is common among the elderly.

How to slow down the rate of hearing loss?

1. Avoid loud noises
The best way to prevent and improve hearing loss caused by noise is to stay away from the noise as much as possible. Noise is damaging your hearing if you notice the following: you feel the need to speak louder for others to hear; you have difficulty hearing people around you; you have ear pain; you have ringing in your ears or hear a buzzing Voice.

2. Quit smoking and drinking, eat a low-fat and low-salt diet, and pay attention to zinc and iron supplements in the diet. Because the zinc content in the cochlea is higher than that of other organs, the zinc content in the cochlea decreases significantly after the age of 60. Regular consumption of walnut porridge, sesame porridge, etc. is also beneficial to hearing protection.

3. Be careful when listening to music
When listening to music with headphones, you are trying to separate other sounds outside and tend to turn up the music volume to the maximum. Don’t forget that even adjusting the volume can have a significant impact on your health. Choose to buy headphones with noise filtering capabilities instead of turning up the volume to suppress the noise outside. Do not turn up the volume louder; avoid turning on the volume more than 60% of the maximum volume; do not use headphones for more than 1 hour; take off the headphones after about 10 minutes to relax your ears and avoid injury.

4. Maintain a good mental state. Being constantly in a state of irritability and anger will cause the autonomic nerves in the body to lose their normal regulatory functions, causing hearing impairment in the internal organs due to ischemia.

5. Add some aerobic exercise to your schedule. Improve your hearing through exercise. Improving cardiovascular health can help increase hearing sensitivity. Exercise helps promote blood circulation. Such as walking, cycling, swimming, each session lasts 20-30 minutes to maintain performance. 5 days a week. These exercises help circulate blood from inactive parts of the body to areas with more metabolic activity.

6. Massage Massage the Chufeng and Tinghui points in front and behind the earlobe, increase blood circulation in the inner ear at night.

7. Pay attention to medication. You should try to avoid using ototoxic drugs and use them safely under the guidance of a doctor. 5. Insist on physical exercise.

8. Pay attention to supplementing foods rich in vitamins. Vitamin C and vitamin E can increase the body's dismutase, promote the utilization of oxygen, improve peripheral blood flow, and can protect the inner ear. Vitamin D can promote the body's absorption of calcium. Medical research has found that many elderly people suffering from tinnitus are closely related to the lack of calcium in the blood. This type of element is mainly contained in animal livers, eggs, mushrooms, and white fungus.

9. Keep the external auditory canal clean. Sometimes debris or earwax can block the external auditory canal. This is a common cause of conductive hearing loss. Generally speaking, earwax has antibacterial properties and is protective and a small amount of earwax is normal for healthy people. Most ear tubes have a self-cleaning mechanism, but in some cases they become blocked or impacted, resulting in partial hearing loss.

If there are any ear abnormalities such as tinnitus, sudden hearing loss, blocked ears or a feeling of water entering the ears, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible to find out the cause and take timely and effective measures. Otherwise, , the longer it is delayed, the worse the subsequent treatment effect will be, and it may even cause permanent hearing damage.